
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tips for ESL Students - Finding a Teacher

It is difficult to learn a foreign language.  It is very difficult if you reside in your home country and speak your native language all the time.  Despite the challenges and frustrations related to learning a new language, it can be done.  The first step is find a teacher or teaching method that you can connect with.

Teaching a foreign language is a hard job and there are many different styles.  Different students feel more comfortable with different types of teachers.  Some teachers focus on conversation.  Some will provide lots of grammar lessons.  Some will assign reading and test students on their comprehension.  Other teachers will provide a huge number or exercises and work sheets for students to complete.

Even those that focus on conversation will vary in terms of how they go about it.  Some teachers will call on students randomly to answer a question.  Some will wait for their students to volunteer to speak.  Some classroom conversations are designed to drill home a specific grammar lesson or a group of vocabulary words.  Other conversation lessons are more, well, conversational.  They may touch on a wide variety of topics and they will incorporate a wide variety of grammar based on the direction that the conversation ends up going.

My lessons tend to be focused on conversation and they tend to be less formal.  There are two reasons for this.  Most importantly, these are the types of lessons that I enjoy.  I enjoy talking to people.  I enjoy learning about their likes, dislikes, family history, hobbies, aspirations, and everything else that may come up.  This type of lesson tends to be lively.  At times it is funny.  In general, the purpose of this type of lesson is to find topics that excite the students enough that they forget that they are speaking in English.  By generating a lively conversation that entertains and interests the students, I can get them to listen attentively and use the grammar and vocabulary they have learned.  If a new word comes up, the students will be much more likely to remember the meaning if it is related to a topic that they have an interest in.

In addition to being enjoyable, I think that this type of lesson is very beneficial.  It creates a "real life" type of interaction that gives the students more confidence if they are in a situation where they are speaking with a native English speaker.  For example, if you study grammar rules and work sheets in English class all the time, you will develop a skill level and confidence level in work sheets but you will not be confident in a real life speaking situation.  This describes many of my Thai students.  In school, the lessons are centered on vocabulary and grammar.  When students are confronted with a speaking and listening (conversational) situation, they become anxious and tentative.  By practicing conversation skills, the student develops confidence and it solidifies the grammar rules he/she has been taught in school.

Some students do not like to learn English with this method.  I have had a few students decide to go to a different English class because they were looking for grammar drills and practice work sheets.  The important thing is for you as a student to find a teacher and a method that you are comfortable with.  If you  are not comfortable with your teacher or with the teaching method, it is best to find another teacher that meets your expectations.

ESL teachers can be found many different ways, but I think it is best ask friends, family members, or teachers.  These people will give you an honest opinion and they should be able to give you some idea of the teaching style and method featured at a specific school or by a specific teacher.

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